The Process of Self-Reflection

January 23, 2021

Self-reflection requires careful and intentional processes every day. Take time at the end of every day, week, and month to reflect. Write down your reflections. Start your self-reflections by reflecting on your accomplishments. You don’t need to wait until the beginning or end of a new year to practice self-reflection. Here are some questions to consider if you find yourself stuck and without a place to start:

  1. What did I learn this week or month?
  2. What did I accomplish today?
  3. What are my top 5 achievements?
  4. What obstacles did I overcome?
  5. What in my Locus of Control?
  6. What was uncomfortable feelings present this month?
  7. What did I learn from painful feelings?
  8. Was I altogether present or showing up?
  9. Did I do enough to take care of myself?
  10. Did I set clear boundaries and respected my boundaries?
  11. Did I offer myself and my loved ones compassion?
  12. How do I talk to and about myself?

Remember to:

  • Start Small. If you are just starting, start small. Consider scheduling five to ten minutes a day to reflect. Undoubtedly, a few minutes is better than no time.
  • Ask for Help When Necessary. There are times when you just don’t understand the process and need help getting back on track. Recognize those you can get help from, and don’t hesitate to contact them when the need arises. Seek out family members, colleagues, pastors, or qualified Mental Health professionals for help.

The self-reflection process involves learning, which is very important in helping us make future decisions. Researches have also demonstrated that those who commit to self-reflection have better lives than those who do not reflect and are productive and happier individuals. Start your transformation journey by reflecting on a small change you can make today.

This blog was prepared by it’s author in their personal capacity. The views and opinions expressed in the blog are those of the author. The primary purpose of this blog is to educate and inform. This blog does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice or services. The author and the blog are not to be held responsible for misuse, reused, recycled and cite and/or un-cited copies of content within this blog by others.

Moya Mathison, LPCEver since I was young, I knew I wanted to get into a career path that would make a difference in people’s lives. This interest grew into my undying passion for working children and adults suffering from the effects of trauma and eventually it evolved into a full time job. As a Licensed Professional Counselor in the greater Montclair area, I am committed to the well-being of all my clients and go above and beyond to create a safe place for my client where they will feel validated.

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